Dynamics that led to WW1 and WWII ended up then to be call casualties as I read on Google. AM aware that it is subtle to change. wWW3 I called in the past as I was asked after a lot of bothering since June specially and since the last 7 years. I felt they wanted to know what would happened if it did not sell and did not sell. Often in some circumstances that made me apologize even for an organize response to these dynamics. I had conversation with some people and what happened in Israel and what was sent to the Red Sea

Note: at the ceremony of becoming a Citizen I crossed my fingers to know what within that collective consciousness could do to respond as I was applying my knowledge to a major collection which I was processing with minor collections that where processing WW1 and 2 with Light Time and Space. China and US in relationship with Iceland and Israel with Come to Know Me. The awareness was examples that demonstrates and confronts in the battle field along with a cese of resolution of conflict like the absurdity of circumstances that led to Ukraine Vs Russia  or viceversa. A mayor problem is that I was punishing a shoushan stone sculpture back to  nature like it rolled done the river of a mountain. I used volcanic water from Iceland and applied the method of savings that I learnt when studying judaism and Kabbalah. As a counter part, I polished a Green Fluorite stone from the natural done to a pearl to the point it lost the structure. Something that took about one year to which I applied the ZB method - meaning about half hour sessions with time in between to process the meditative process.

A degree of individual capacity to discernir the influence of symbolism and collective consciousness within one self instead of a recirculating circle. Ex: Imagine there was 9/11 and then WWTC and then  they say they own every single model or everything on planet Earth or you cannot let go of even though every year they celebrate it.  Winter_Spring_24

Note: I did a collection of different paintings in which I separated different aspects or dynamics at the same time. At the end came a painting which represented the light inverted of th flag of the USA. A true light hidden within the collective unconsciousness. I spoke in a meeting with KIM, Kimberly Malero, an art dealer from NY that when Trump finishes with the US there would light.  Like I wrote somewhere during the Covid-19 in Brooklyn that I sat to drink a coffee after work under an scatffolder. An old woman came to speak to me yelling " why are you having a coffee outside, don't you care about me? - So what the fuck do you come to speak to me when I am away from you. There is light of left and there is light of right. `Neither to keep some people attracting around like bodies tend to understand often.

Note to tables_Intuitive resolution  would be sent online and developed due to the trespassing of emotional levels of my work and intentions. Intuitively due to the levels of emotional trespassing I felt the development of new borders in the US and development of racism against people of color, education, culture, joy and specially Mexican people  to levels beyond what is known.  Tables helps to find your place and learn to negotiate or renegotiate and to solve the genes traces of hybrids humanities within your living connections.
Tables also helps to find your judeA. ¿Quién puso algo en tí? Aunque sean tus padres o quien sean como la transición podrás mandarlo donde pertenece y aprenderás a cocinar algunas recetas y crearas algo. Y como los vivos están vivos y los muertos vivos. Si viene de tus muertos tal como hay una conexión humana con la tierra  tal vez puedas al final clavarlo en la tumba de quien pertenezca aunque este en Egipto. Y así uno se aclara de las pandemias que no entienden. Porque yo lo hice, esta y copian y de ahí aprenden.  Todavía hay quien me pregunta y me molesta desde los campos energéticos con el asunto de  porNstars, Escorts y Cosplayers porqué me brilla el corazón y las siento de hermosas mujeres de hermosos fuegos humanos. Escribo diferente porque no todos y todas son. Una vez hice un sofa y toqué una madera de roble tratada. Pues no era para usar en la construcción del sofá a lo cual yo apliqué conocimiento y tampoco lo usaría al fuego pues el fuego olería a los productos

Table_Wroten Table. 800,00o /80,000 USD 6 Feet by 4 Foot by 1 inch.  Sell option I thought about when I saw a USPS truck. Ships like that to the fortuity of life the table. Otherwise it would be on the trash when I move on.  Flip a coin before shipping and see if it maches your fortune teller.
Joaquin Tors written on the table as one of those moments of intuitive processing. Note_ I still use it.  Fall_Winter-spring_24. Saw a pick up truck so they can buy and pick it up at the town I am to.  taBles come with the need to make a copy and a resolution base on my awareness.  This table deals with the Mexican border. Numbers means about economical power and effects over time. "I was punished for celebrating Mexican culture." One time at a store I was working I told that I was born new when I discovered fish tacos" The physicality of it was creating to the unnecessary stress that was put into my family just because someone stopped the sale last year. The table is outside on a front yard sale as I am moving to the next place. There are physicalities of life that can only be solve with the psyshicality of some objects due to it contains the 4 dimensions. I spoke with a young woman. Would you like military to fight against military or to keep dumping bombs here and there. She could not think. She only say yes when I said well imagine CT against OR by Air without knowing when? Then she said OH YES! What your taxes are for_ .  The table I broke as I had to move on and dumped it. I travel light.

Ice on Water or Water on Ice. "Yes papa -fhters-  I wrote on the table" 80,00o USD
A digital file and videos to make and write your table by a coping exercise anywhere in the planet. 
If it is in this collection or key segment know that all collections and key segments relate in one way or another.  

_Wrotte Table. two half to do one whole. 6 Feet by 4 Foot by 1 inch.   : i1 and 1i.  80,00o USD /2  = 40,00o
Joaquin Tors written on the table as one of those moments of intuitive processing. Note_ I still use it.  Fall_Winter-spring_24. Each requires a key from below. Palas Ateneas know that I know and I means they and their heirs. Instructions on line to copy the original table marks and the only trace and certificates are the online transactions + the pictures. Perhaps we would meet at the Louvre. April 13.24. 
 _____^,_ ,

Note that signatures are archetypes or marks that connects buyers properly. Like an ecosystem. Everyone has so many of them.
Legal notice: the knifes were througn on the table but before I opened my body, warned my company energetically and verbally that it was not to them. Then I did. The house built a presence that looks for action and that is no needed. The knifes to the floor were at a specific place as discharge or practice. For that I pay about 1,000 USD. So you know always will go to the maps others wrote to you. If it is on the website always was and is available