oRanB_Sculpture Plaza  200.000€ for the organization of merits. o equivalent in francos - I dont fight the note that I saw at a ticket. And internally they said that France is for food and that is fine with me. It can be either way and it can be both ways.

a fellow debería retransmitir lo que se ve y dice enriquecido con los comentarios y sonidos de fondo mientras disfruta de sus margaritas y ardores. 
to the both and penurias y acedurias. Un sofa hice a medias y construí la luz de un hogar y robasteis el año pasado. Este año pequeños cambios que cambian la energía de los alquileres pues vivimos aquí. Los que jugaron con eso una pajita azul y trasparente use con hilo de lana y una placas matriculas de margaritaville. dejaron las placas y pajitas. -RELATES TO THE ADD I SAW OF THE POLICE IN VALENCIAN ASKING FOR HELP ABOUT SEXUAL ABUSE ETC BUT INSTEAD OF SOME HOLES AND TIME ON LAWS TO THEIR BODIES AS HAIRS OF THEIR DOINGS.
do I like your money? - the money would come from the taxes that people paid. then according to your doings _i may get another percentage. UPs. I did not mentioned David de David or David the Sainte-Maxime - he know his clients of beauty are actually my clientele rather than tell and not allowing to do_  - do you think you have the consciousness to make the plazas Performance Centers that the BOuthillier Torres has done or choreograph or dance and tat is why you have not taking yet tHat. yOu know the other option too is the essences from within hat would do what they did in the past to them: Nice happens to be something different_ the sticks in half are the marks + a belly  -allí las projections futuras de decisiones fueron procesadas_ una foto puse en la pantalla del teléfono delante había una joven artista. dE tis the toilet alguien cogio la vos dulce y encantadora_ - that tone came from my realization in NY about the need specially when i when to the doctor.
Yu did and the body and visual and effects are within your body and whoever supports you. You DdDdSM did last year in France. When we travelled to Eugene you did a lot of damage to my son and myself so you are not cut stealing.  My son designed an sculpture sculptural plaza performance center that you took the joy of it and with anger you made him disgust about life and about art and his purpose in life. He smashed like that. So it should have been your three dantiens as a victim and perpetrator tell everyone the reasons. The signature of the father, myself is that I sanded and contracted as a Chi_Gong Master of the 8 Brocades. So you never get of of the punishing of children, parents and parents to be. In France where you belong and hurry up with that because you have another one to do in Valencia and also to be in that Audiovisual Service which would be global perhabs made possible from Eugene as they have many many resources. - el farolillo por el que crearas en persona te lo dare en persona y tenders elementos en los que trabajar en persona tal y como hícistes metafísicamente.  Yellow wire was like he yellow submarine. Extra herbs i used on my smoothies dedicated to those that wanted to twist me.
on the things that I saw in India, Marruecos y Bulgaria along with Turkey.  a collective seal that I added in Penitencias is required as a seal to show to the priest from the Church near by where I touched a croix and turned of a candle as a wished granted. A wild board that was given some tomatoes that was coming up and down  by the place and restaurants where there is a complex of apartments and pools they would hunt and they would take it to barbecue as a festivity.  That comment means what do you like a woman from England? The one that you invited for portraits? That voice the one tht belong to escorts and actors from the norse. one knew that presence of monks so it was best to show that they belong to a wild board there no to be around playing with internet winds etc.  tHe design includes a glass cube open of the dimensions of one window of the biggest -rascacielos- where the bathroom would be and some could find comfort under a storm. Estaban rodeados de una baya de construcción. Con catapultas de madera que construiréis los niños/as y adultos os facilitaran la comida tal y como habléis y os expreséis.  Al abrir podrá uno salir. Por las ancestrologias y traspasos de los cuerpos humanos recibiréis la compassion merecida. Incluso quien sabe: restos de lechugas, no frigoríficos, carne,... haréis cuchillos de madera y metal. Ganchos para pescar pues habra un corredor al puerto. De los fuegos humanos tendréis que hablar y hacer fuego. Pequeños cinceles para labrar la plata de Africa que verteréis en los residuos de vuestras esculturas para reciclar. Ya hicisteis buenas donaciones el año pasado cuando el terremoto de Marruecos. Podréis ver las noticias. El meaero o servicio construiréis también. Creo que saben porque será público hasta que lo hagáis y os volveréis cómodos tal y como ya sois cómodos. Al final del muelle habra una plataforma en la cual los niños y niñas y adultos podrán lanzar coles y calabazas para que caigan al agua y naden. Así nadaran hasta donde decidan - there is a yellow submarine service.