Sex Love Sex Love Love Sex Pink Pink your pussies are pink love me. I  said roses would be roses. 2 vines meaning one 1 rose branch meaning twelves would be wine. The Thorns would be turn into seats. Sprinkles would be for us to dance under the rain. The living of those  that you call and the dead claims it. Mexico, Germany, Argentina, Portugal, France, Spain, Island, Turkey, Bulgary, Cuba, Greece, China, Japan, Ghana. Roses virgens don't carry make smoke songs. Anchors are anchors. I have the ron and the oranges to celebrate. Small chiringuito with appetizer.  Sculptures plaza relates to each other and are mean to be near or by National Museums. Love and learnt in Mexico that artist could pay taxes with one of his pieces. Once I received a session for an accident on the eyes when I was fixing the floors in Brooklyn. The session helped greatly and I said I was very thankful and I would give one of my pieces to her. Even though it was as an exchange for ZB sessions that I gave to her. I was about to give to her one of the paintings from a collection that I was discharging. Price about 4,000 USD. I gifted to her a piece of artwork on paper with blue ink. A synthesis of thee character Chen that works with identifying sinking conditions over time. The value was of 10,000 USD and it was gifted at the time she was working on the house that she bought when she moved to Philadelphia. With this I write the therapeutic impact on the land and the spaces so it would also lead people to the vibe. An upgrade vibration that arts and artist are calling for that brings darkness to the places and poverties that leads to destruction. I would find and wine the vines and branches. Instructions would be given to be done. Material some none oxidative. This relates to that dynamic of plants and trees that struggle together through the years. An anaphora related to trees to still remain and others to unwind with a degree of discernment that moves a new vibe on planet earth recognizing the past. Coffee . And a piece made of copper raw casted to a human size in bronze. 


My intuitive creative signature is Joaquin Torrs