I drink coffee and coffee contains at least 90% water.  Aprendí de la decomposición de Polla - ella - Pollo - Chicken chicken -Ruster Hens - Gallo Gallinas.  La formación de El y Ella. Tantos juicios sobre mí los últimos meses tal como me expresaba interpretando y procesando al caminar. No me importa dejarme por el momento si me importa coger para qué en lugar de conocernos. P y F. Una conjunción de letras y símbolos que se han desarrollado desde mi práctica para usar por mi o compartir por mï para permanecer e n lugar de madera madre que se muere. Recuerden o sepan que se que cuando viaje durante 2004-05, 1992 and 2017 three waves of souls and spirits developed along with a professional segment during my practices during 2020-2023. the personal inner moment in which I felt "they have a beautiful heart!"  And aspect that I could not feel so deep as how other would complain about my education and the relation and that it was not because all my education.

Joâquin Torres
At the moment of the Ceremony when I became a citizen in 2019, I crossed my fingers to gain an awareness of what was required of me. A gesture of me to differentiate from a collective thinking. At a dollar bill I looked to confirm the insight what I knew when I processed the collection of me_23. An organize response that would bring war to the lands of the US. Army against Army. That response was if sold by June 2023. A response that would have unlock itself. I write this again. Jun, 6-24.  The indignity to those that likes it no to those that they dumped . The body to those that dance even on a street or over traintracks after having ice-cream.
In Eugene I was walking listening to music with my headphones. The beatiful streets led me to an open garden private that invited. The garden was asking for a sculpture or perhaps the owners for a piece of art. I felt and I walk. Led I studied the garden and left a mark on the ground. An arrow pointing. I returned the next day to see if there was an answer. It is an intelligent garden. There was no answer. I saw no one, I erased the mark. One more time I felt a tide. I went another day around afternoon. There then an old woman came out the house. I said hi with my hand. She said in a rude mode what I was doing there and she asked to leave. I said I am an artist. She ask to leave as the husband came out to. With a gesture of no understanding I left. The energetic pull is what I say for that energetic pull is a mark humans have to buy the collections done and available at this moment on the website. If a woman or women that which profile am to relate and portrait to of I invited in France and related before are to come to me like models of naturalism did when learning to portrait like a do. If it was me a woman...

Note: Within the studies of Audiovisual Communications were: Journalism, Analogical and Digital Photography, Design, Marketing, Theories, Philosophies, Deontologies, Research Methodology, Business Methods, History of Cinema, Screenwriting, Realization, Law, Art Movements, History, Islamic Studies, Production,  .. I studied while working 6 hours daily and forming on Art-Therapy and Gestalt Physiotherapy. At the end of my staying in the South of Malaga I learnt the basics of pottery at an elder social program. I had fun like they did. Created side collections, participated in contests that led to collective public exhibitions and readings. My grades were between 8 and 10. Rarely a 6 or a 5. Just because I had to write this because some or many thought I was like a random artist.
Volubilis Nordtor ruins. To me wisdom I saw in the light of the ruins. Dinner in a city that opened up looking up from up to the mosque done. 

At the time of my interview of the Citizenship there was a circumstance that I dealed with magnificently which was that the Spanish Consulate in New York lost the documents of divorce. Done by the so herself like the Judge, the Consul and who was I to question her. I said ok but was a little strange. It ended up that it was no and had to deal with it when I was getting my Citizenship. Then I went in person, I saw her and from the office they were scare and she said she was the wife of the Consul. At that time they were very scare and they were doing a Fire training. Back to the situation, I wrote a note to my citizenship and it was accepted and approved at the moment. That my wisdom, y knowledge and therefore my body and tree of life cannot be use to the ways they were using their resources, either my unconscious wisdom.  There for it complements and that was my decision the crossing of my fingers at the ceremony in which to bring battles to the battle field or better ways of negotiation  that I put it on a collection call me_23. I degree of awareness so ww3 don't develop to the degrees of 1 and 2. There is more and more to it but it is coded and it moves  with money personal and global that relates to the ways people slaves themselves.   One can not avoid that when I was studying Judaism I was enjoying my mezcal. That the so call catholic in me because I was baptize was hungry because I enjoy tacos and felt that I was reborn. Or that it attached to the lesser or greater when I celebrated culture dinners as a reflective point during Covid_19.... Last year was different and as I wrote before those wars did not belong there. More like revolts...

On the agreements of my personal relationships that developed spiritually with the actions of the soul that my body followed. This means conscious decisions since I was less than one year old. I developed from experience a beauty. There are aptitudes that go along with the actions like when some writes or signs a documents and this would clear the nervousness at some level. For example the recognition that there is a marriage that does not mean that one is married in a written way and if one organizes the celebration in a way of respect and to move on to new paths. It is a therapeutic exercise rather than an official document. Previously as well was the reformulation of fire of humanity for a thread of life. It just took time to apply it beautifully. The last year was drama made because of others that did not respect my foundation...WHen it was know that the time for them would have been the time of Black Ice Fossil Wood...

En los acuerdos de mis relaciones personales desarrolladas por las espiritualidad que creció de las decisiones de mi alma, las cuales el alma siguió. Esto significa que las decisiones fueron conscientes desde que tuve menos de un año. Desarrolle de la experiencia una belleza. Hay aptitudes que van con las acciones y me gustaría que este escrito limpie un aspecto que me hace nervioso. Por ejemplo el reconocimiento que si uno esta casado uno no tiene que estar en lo escrito y si uno organiza la celebración en una forma respetuosa de despedida para caminar los caminos propios. Ello es entonces un ejercicio terapéutico escrito en un documento oficial. Previamente la reformulación de nuestro fuego humano que nos une. Solo llevo tiempo el aplicar de forma bella para muchos y muchas. El año pasado el drama fue pues porque otros y otras se introdujeron sin respetar mis fundamentos y proceso. Cuando era sabido que el tiempo de ellos era el tiempo de Black Ice Fossil Wood. ..